Education & Outreach

Promoting an open door to housing choice

At the Fair Housing Council of Metropolitan Memphis, our education programs and resources build awareness of what fair housing is and its importance to our community, we train professionals in the housing industry on the laws and fair practices, training community members on their fair housing rights, provide key guidance to government officials and lawmakers, and connect community agencies so they can apply fair housing in their work. Please call our office to connect with the Education and Outreach Team on any of the below information at (901) 538-7700.

We offer:

  • General information sessions/presentations
  • Keynote and panel presentations on fair housing and its role in the community
  • Technical training on fair housing laws and practices
  • One-on-one technical support via phone or email
  • Annual community fair housing events.
  • Book resources and recommended reading to create community dialogue about fair housing.
  • Fact sheets/guides, training resources, best practice information and more on our website.
  • Fair housing brochures and material development

How it works

Currently, our education and outreach programs will be presented to housing providers (realtors, lenders, landlords, property managers, etc.) with valuable information on their rights and responsibilities under federal, state and local fair housing laws each year. The FHCMM also provides technical advice to state and local governments as to their responsibilities under the relevant laws.  The FHCMM works with many partners to identify discriminatory practices under fair housing law and remedies to correct such practices.

FHCMM works to further fair housing by providing information about compliance with fair housing laws to every organization relative to housing. This group includes property managers, landlords, mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers, realtors, developers, builders, homeowners’ insurance agents, government offices, city/township planners, commissioners, zoning staff and advertisers. FHCMM works with these groups by specifically identifying their fair housing implications based on the role they play in housing, thereby leading to fewer complaints and the reduced likelihood of punitive damages in court. Many run into regulatory barriers that close off markets to them and the FHCMM is able to help remove them to open up the housing market.

The FHCMM educates consumers and community members about how to recognize and report housing discrimination by providing fair housing rights training and presentations as well as direct outreach at community events.

The FHCMM also provides information and referral services to callers with all types of housing related inquiries. Such inquiries are commonly related to issues such as housing subsidies or financial assistance, tenants’ rights, the condition and repair of housing and other landlord-tenant concerns. When callers with non-fair housing inquiries contact the Center, they are given general information about the protections provided by the fair housing laws and are then referred to an appropriate community group, government agency or social service agency.